SONarchitect ISO computes the noise emission maps from any noisy room in your building, according to EN 12354-4 Annex E

Specify a custom indoor noise spectrum and get the L2n in the adjacent rooms and from the façade.

Interactive detailed performance histograms are provided for every type of room pairing in the building, allowing fast access to and inspection of the sets of average, less than average, better than average, worst and best cases in the building, or the set of rooms in the building with a given level of insulation. You also get feedback on the compliance level of the rooms with respect to configurable sets of limits for the different encounter types, allowing you to check your designs against any Building Code based on the EN 12354.

Acoustical quality classification of the entire building straightforwardly follows.


Print the results you want and the way you want. SONarchitect provides a flexible report generator. Add your enterprise logo, select a cover image with the 3D model of your building, get a bill of quantities for your budget estimations, include a compliance statement, show the quality classification of your building, detail every computation result including components and transmission paths. Or none of them. You can select individual rooms or let SONarchitect select only the worst cases: Yes, indeed, you have computed the acoustic insulation in the entire building, therefore you know they really are the worst!

You can get a detailed record of the one-third octave band of any result. The records includes all the information you need to evaluate the acoustic performance of your building projects, as graphs, results, and information for every pair of enclosures, separator, flank and transmission path.

With SONarchitect ISO you can compute all the sound insulation values in one-third octave bands in the entire building according to EN 12354:1,2,3,4,6 (ISO 15712:1,2,3,4,6). Results are detailed for every enclosure, separator, flank, and transmission path, and can be interactively explored..