
As technical as acoustics can be the vast majority of my clients are primarily interested in a simple answer to what can be a complex question. That is “do we comply with acoustic regulations?”. SONarchitect simplifies this process of explanation through its easy to understand output and intuitive visuals. The document reporting function also allows for reporting in a manner which suits my requirements.

I find using the program very intuitive and it doesn’t take long to model a large building; which is a major plus compared to other building acoustics software. The integration with other programs such as Insul is of great benefit and is also a good indication that the software is willing to engage and move with the times.

Kevin Dunne

Acoustic Consultant

Sweco AS Sweden

Increase productivity

Leaving the comfort zone and being constantly renewed means professional sustainability. The Audium team joined the growing SONarchitect family of users, acquiring the first SONarchitect license sold in Brazil, during the XXIV Annual Brazilian Acoustic Society Meeting. Since then, we have been using this incredible tool in acoustic consultancies to meet the Brazilian Performance Standard NBR 15575. The software manual guide and the YouTube videos on the Sound of Numbers channel were fundamental for the first steps. The modeling process is simple and the simulation is quickly calculated. In other words, we managed to increase our productivity. The precise interpretation of the results has allowed acoustic interventions in an optimized and personalized way even during the design phase, avoiding future problems and generating buildings that are increasingly comfortable for the users.

Felipe Paim

Acoustic Consultant



We have been using SONarchitect for a couple of years and for a diversity of projects ranging from residential towers to commercial spaces. It has given us the ability to calculate accurately the performance of proposed building elements, as well as suggest alternatives wherever needed. The generation of reports is also extremely well presented and as comprehensive as we want it to be. Our recent projects using SONarchitect include the new Gucci store extension in Dubai, UAE, two high-end residential towers in Beirut and a private residential project consisting of 3 large towers in Sharjah, UAE.


Fouad Bechwati




SONarchitect is an indispensable tool for the daily work. We purchased it two years ago and, beyond getting speed in solving complex calculations, we can simulate the application of constructive materials from a wide variety of manufacturers and match the calculations with tests for handing a complete and trustful report to our customers. We have already used it in more than 200 projects and we keep on developing our product to achieve new levels of service and bring the acoustics study in Brazil the most modern processes in the world.


Teddy Kaeriyama Yanagiya

Design Coordinator

Harmonia Davi Akkerman + Holtz


We just start using SONarchitect for Building Noise Control Consultation. It makes our job lot easier and faster. We can do comprehensive building analysis and design with SONarchitect. We can integrate our building noise control design and our architectural acoustics design. So our client can have a better understanding about what they will hear in their room. 

Before using SON architect we have to calculate transmission loss paneling one by one. After that we analyze noise path and calculating noise prediction. We have to do calculation with several software to get what we want.

We are very happy because we can do more comprehensive work faster with accurate result. And the most important it makes our clients happy too. 

Herwin Gunawan

Head Consultant

ALTA integra


New paradigm

The SONarchitect purchasing by Giner has been a paradigm shift in our noise control and acoustic comfort projects, in commercial and specially in residential buildings.

With the brand new Brazilian normative, for residential buildings, we could accelerate the project accomplishment and, more important, simulate various scenarios with different building elements and assist our clients in choosing materials and construction details in a very fast way that meets the performance, at a reasonable cost, currently, a huge value addon of Giner. 

The user inerfaces are very intuitives, in less than two days our engineers started to simulate and generate reports for buildings up to five floors.

User of other similar software tool for more than five years, SONarchitect is a new world in sound insulation calculations for buildings.

We appreciate Sound of Numbers developments and support.


José Carlos Giner

Head Consultant

Giner Sound Vibration

Best in building acoustics 

SONarchitect by and large one of the best for the sound insulation performance of entire single building project. One of the most intuitive tool with the best interface and simulation is one of the best in recent times seen. Sound of Numbers have been very helpful in assisting our team at the office in case of any queries. Modelling time is also very simple and user friendly tool in building acoustics.

S. Kandaswamy

Acoustic Consultant

P.S.Subramanian Associates

Seamless integration

We recently changed from other building acoustics software and our own tools to SONarchitect. To put it in a nutshell, it is now not only possible to predict complex buildings' acoustics, but it is much more fun to simulate building acoustics than ever before. No more quirky graphical user interfaces, but a well designed software that delivers good results.

Looking at the workflow for acoustical prediction from outdoor noise over to building acoustics ending with room acoustics, SONarchitect is the missing piece in the puzzle. This entire workflow chain outputs not only the weighted sound reduction index but frequency dependent results: using CadnaA for outdoor noise, Insul for inhomogeneous constructions, SONarchitect for building acoustics and Odeon for room acoustics.

So far, we have never had the need to read the manual. First of all, it is easy and intuitive to use as the separation in working modes was a clever decision and is implemented very well. There is no wizard-like GUI; I can navigate as I want, back and forth. All menus and dialogues are clear and only needed elements are included. And if there is once a need to understand certain functionality, the tutorial videos are great and explain everything that is needed in detail.

We often have to discuss the results with our clients, in particular the meaning of decibels. Without doubt, if you're not a professional working daily in the field of acoustics, it is definitely a difficult task to imagine different values and results given in decibels. But with the graphical output and the navigation through all paths combined with the 3D auralisation we now can show and play our clients what the results mean in a very effective way.

Marco Kuster

Kuster + Partner AG

A visual way of dealing with big and complex projects

SONarchitect provides a reliable and straightforward way of assessing in detail the sound insulation performance of separating and external constructions. This is particularly beneficial in larger buildings, where it allows for comprehensive appraisal of even the most complex layouts. The graphical output is extremely valuable in the context of client/design team liaison and it is also ideal for demonstrating compliance with a variety of popular building rating standards.

Chris Dilworth

Director of Acoustics

AWN Consulting

Complete and structured for DIN 4109

Bisher haben wir für unsere Bauvorhaben die bauakustischen Nachweise nach der bauordnungsrechtlich zugelassenen DIN 4109 erbracht, ohne dass wir die Möglichkeit hatten dies weiter zu hinterfragen. Die dabei erzielten Ergebnisse, entsprachen aufgrund der üblichen Einzahlangaben, wie zum Beispiel dem bewerteten Schalldämm-Maß oft nicht dem realistisch zu erwartenden Werten am Bau.

Seit wir mit SONarchitect arbeiten ist es für uns möglich die Luft- und Trittschallübertragung innerhalb von Gebäuden, sowie der Schallübertragung von Außengeräuschen schnell und übersichtlich nach der Europäischen Norm DIN EN 12354 zu bewerten. Dies sorgt zum einen für eine enorme Qualitätssteigerung unserer Standardnachweise und zum anderen schaffen wir Planungssicherheit für alle am Bau beteiligten.

Der Arbeitsablauf in SONarchitect ist strukturiert aufgebaut. Die Eingabe der Geometrie erfolgt über XY-Koordinaten analog eines handelsüblichen CAD-Programes und kann anhand des im Hintergrund liegenden 3D-Modells ständig überprüft werden. Ebenso logisch erfolgt die Definition der Bauteilaufbauten und bauakustischen Anforderungen. Schon nach wenigen Stunden waren wir in der Lage unser erstes Projekt mit SONarchitect zu berechnen.

SONarchitect verfügt über eine umfangreiche Bauteildatenbank mit den akustischen Daten einer Vielzahl von Bauelementen die sich kontinuierlich vergrößert. Dazu gehören Wände, Decken, Dächer, Fassaden, Vorsatzkonstruktionen (Wandvorsatzschalen und schwimmende Estriche), sowie Fenster, Türen und Verglasungen.

Das Zusatzprogramm INSUL rundet die Leistungsfähigkeit von SONarchitect ab. Mit INSUL lassen sich die akustischen Parameter von Einzelbauteilen oder zusammengesetzten Konstruktionen auf einfache Art und Weise bewerten. Projektspezifisch kann eine Konstruktion aus INSUL direkt in den eigenen Bauteilkatalog von SONarchitect eingefügt werden um da als komplexe Gebäude- bzw. komplizierter Einzelsituationen betreffend ihrer baulichen Anforderung an die Schallisolierung automatisiert bewertet zu werden.

So können wir heute Konstruktionen, die von den Regelaufbauten der DIN 4109 abweichen in einer bauakustischen Analyse bewerten. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich eindrucksvoll mittels bauakustischer Auralisation unseren Bauherrn vorführen. SONarchitect macht es möglich einen realitätsnahen „Höreindruck“ über den Einfluss von baulichen Maßnahmen auf den resultierenden Schall im Empfangsraum zu verschaffen. Unsere Gebäude werden subjektiv erfahrbar gemacht.

Rene Horschig



After having used other software for EN 12354 calculations for many years, it has been a revelation to change to SONarchitect. The possibility of being able to calculate whole buildings with the correct room geometries and junctions selections, all in one working process has reduced calculation uncertainty, made optimisation of building constructions more effective, and given added value for our clients.

On-board extra modules giving the possibility of calculating single and multi-layer constructions as data input to the EN 12354 calculations is a welcome addition, and as it is integrated in the same program, the transition of data between modules is quick and easy.

We have used SONArchitect ISO on a variety of projects including housing, hotels, teaching facilities, offices and industrial buildings and the possibility of making specific requirements for each project type is perfect.

Although a great program - as it does a great deal more and better than other software for EN 12354 calculations - our feedback concerning possible new features has always been appreciated and taken seriously. The staff at SoundOfNumbers have been extremely helpful, quick and highly professional responding to questions and suggestions for further developments.

Richard Ballinger

Ballinger Acoustics (former Chief Specialist at COWI)

A new age for building acoustics.

With SONarchitect it has been possible for the first time to analyse the sound insulation performance of an entire building project, and with direct comparison to the relevant sound insulation requirements.

The user interface is very good, and the calculation time is close to nil, even for very big projects. Details on a single transmission path or the statistical overview for all calculation results - both are easily accessible. SONarchitect has set a mile-stone in computer modelling and brought building acoustics to a new age.

With a glance to the ongoing fast development in 3D design and modelling tools for architects, this software means a very big step forward in the direction of integrated Building Information Modelling (BIM) also for building acoustics.

Jens Holger Rindel, MSc, PhD

Managing Director, Odeon A/S, Denmark

Senior consultant, Multiconsult AS, Norway

Former Professor at the Technical University of Denmark


The computation software SONarchitect, created by Sound of Numbers S.L. is an excellent and intuitive method for solving the acoustic technique of indirect transmissions raised by the ISO 12354 norm.

Higini Arau Puchades, PhD Physics,
Acoustics Speciality

Arau Acústica

Red Acoustics believes SONarchitect is extremely CleVA...

SONarchitect is at the heart of our CleVA service - Clear Visual Acoustics. Over time, we have realised that our clients don’t want to be over-faced with tables of inaccessible data to interpret before they can understand the acoustic performance of their project.

Through employing SONarchitect in our approach, Red are able to offer an acoustic package of Clear Visual Acoustics (CleVA) allowing our clients to see the same as us. In an instant, a clear, visual acoustic image shows how their potential design, an area of concern or an entire building is performing.

From pre-construction design guidance, to assessing alternative constructions and value engineering remedial measures, the advantages of using SONarchitect are evident.

With an emphasis on the visual, SONarchitect has enabled Red to provide CleVA, accurate acoustic guidance at any stage of the process, facilitating the provision of a fresh new approach to reviewing designs visually with the architect and design team.

Through the use of colour, SONarchitect helps Red to assess the acoustics of a full building accurately, allowing us and the client to see areas of concern immediately – and areas of success. The result is a CleVA, value-engineered design every time.

For Red, it makes Clear, Visual Acoustic sense to use SONarchitect.

Simon Webster




Nowadays, the acoustic projects are always restricted by the budget. Most of the engineers and architects may think that acoustic insulation means overcost.

With SONarchitect we could show how, making a deep study of the whole building, an optimization of the budget is possible. Now we can improve the acoustic performance of the building just locating the worst points and the best points.

Improve the insulation of the worst cases and insert a cheaper solution in the best cases, you save money and the building gets a better acoustic efficiency.

Óscar Outumuro



Since SONarchitect was added to our portfolio of insulation calculation tools, it has allowed us to comprehensively evaluate constructive solutions for entire buildings, thus shortening the project and allowing us to have a global view of the entire building. Incorporating structural transmissions allows us to analyze the sound insulation reduction through indirect paths, allowing insulation forecasting more reliable. The new Spanish building code CTE DB-HR force us to calculate according to EN 12354, SONarchitect allows us to do it very effectively.

Juan Carlos Martín

Decibel Ingenieros

Easy to use and helpful for the Italian normative

Eventually an easy-to-use instrument to study sound insulation in complex buildings and use the EN normative to its best.
Frequency evaluation of each transmission path and elasticity of junctions help make thorough decisions for each living unit within the building.
The 3D models help studying projects and explain critical points to clients that are not experts in acoustics. It is very useful for applying the recent Italian UNI 11367 normative on building acoustic classification.

Lorenzo Rizzi, MSc Audio and Acoustics, MSc Telecom Eng.

Acoustic Consultant, Suonoevita.it